Improve Workforce Management with Optimized Scheduling

Workforce challenges plague the healthcare industry. Compounded by the pandemic, staffing shortages, clinician burnout, low job satisfaction, and high turnover present an ongoing crisis for healthcare organizations.

While there’s no silver bullet, a 2022 Medscape survey of 13,000 providers found that 39% of clinicians felt a “more manageable work schedule” would lower feelings of burnout. By optimizing schedules to boost job satisfaction and make work-life balance more achievable, organizations can improve team wellness and mitigate workforce issues.

So the time to act is now. Workforce challenges can be overcome, and optimized scheduling is a great place to start.

Scheduling Challenges

At PerfectServe, we regularly talk to our enterprise customers about what matters most to their organizations and how our scheduling solution helps. Based on what they’ve told us, there’s a good chance your organization shares some, or even most, of the following concerns:

How Does Optimized Scheduling Improve Workforce Management?

Most scheduling solutions have similar capabilities: a schedule builder with rules for groups, a platform for managing on-call schedules, and a mobile app for schedule management. But that’s simply not enough for enterprise systems in today’s industry. You need a solution that will drive value beyond just scheduling.

The impacts of scheduling—good and bad— permeate every part of your organization. Limiting yourself to only these basic functionalities leaves you vulnerable to more of the workforce issues you’re already experiencing. That’s why some organizations approach scheduling as the strategic driver for solving their most complex workforce challenges.

Start by identifying the issues. For example: inefficient scheduling processes, patient access challenges, lack of on-call visibility, payroll errors, low provider satisfaction and high turnover rates.

Then, consider how optimized schedules via a single, integrated solution across your organization might drive the efficiencies, clarity, cost savings, and relief your team is looking for. The next step is finding technology capable of delivering tangible outcomes.

Lightning Bolt has four unique characteristics that make it the ideal solution for organizations looking to advance workforce initiatives:

  1. Combinatorial Optimization
  2. Industry-leading deployments and adoption rates
  3. AnesthesiaGo for OR case scheduling
  4. Built-in burnout and wellness tools

Lightning Bolt’s Four Key Differentiators


Combinatorial optimization

Combinatorial Optimization is a mathematical algorithm applied to complex problems where many outcomes are possible, but the most optimal solution is required.

For scheduling, team members enter an unlimited number of scheduling rules and preferences into Lightning Bolt, and the solution handles the rest, producing fully optimized schedules. Administrators can finally move away from tedious manual schedule creation, and spend more time caring for patients.

You can also depend on consistency in the long term because PerfectServe maintains a team of dedicated data scientists to support the algorithm. Their daily job is to constantly improve our AI so you can trust you’re getting the most ideal schedule every time.


Industry-leading deployments and adoption rates

According to KLAS, PerfectServe has completed more enterprise deployments than any other scheduling system, including launches at integrated delivery networks (IDNs) and academic medical centers.

Part of our strategy involves a methodology called Rapid Enterprise Deployment (RED). RED can get Lightning Bolt live across an entire enterprise in under three months. Although possible, not everyone wants to go that fast, so deployments are customized to each organization’s needs.

We’ve also developed processes to maximize adoption. Each team member gets a one-onone introduction to the platform and customized training. We address their individual needs, input their scheduling preferences, and answer any questions. It’s an effective process that brings a majority of team members onto the platform by go-live.

But getting clinicians on the platform is only part of the equation. Our team works closely with each user group to establish customized governance strategies that create standardized use across your entire organization.

Lightning Bolt also offers the integrations that are crucial to your workflows. Our solution integrates with your EHR, payroll system, credentialing, and clinical communication systems, like your existing call center.


AnesthesiaGo for daily OR case scheduling

Lightning Bolt’s Case Management module is the industry’s only solution with auto-generated daily OR case scheduling for anesthesia.

Integrated with Lightning Bolt, AnesthesiaGo accommodates unlimited rules and preferences like specialty requirements, credentialed locations, case complexity, call hierarchy, drive time, PACU responsibility, and teaming preferences.

This enables optimized resource utilization with fewer delays and cancellations. It also increases surgeon satisfaction, contributing to lower burnout and turnover rates. And the resulting efficiencies help cut costs and increase revenue.

AnesthesiaGo also offers historical case reporting by any variable, an analytics dashboard for improved decision making, and a board runner overview to understand gaps and accommodate cancellations or add-ons.


Built-in burnout and wellness tools

There is a strong correlation between schedules and burnout, and Lightning Bolt is the only industry solution with built-in burnout and wellness tools.

An in-app survey gathers data and insights to support your organization’s wellness program. It’s a simple, one-question survey asking how a provider feels about their schedule. Responses are made with emojis to keep the experience short and easy. This allows you to gain an understanding of how your team feels about their schedules, how well changes are received, and where to make improvements to combat burnout proactively.

Beyond that, the frictionless workflows of Lightning Bolt are uniquely equipped to reduce feelings of burnout. Team members can achieve better work-life balance with accommodated preferences, schedule equalization, and instant approval for requests, trades, and coverage adjustments.

This makes it easy for clinicians to view and manage their schedules with real-time access to the information they need. They gain greater control over their schedules, leading to higher satisfaction rates and lower burnout.

Improve Workforce Management with Lightning Bolt

Issues around workforce management require more than a quick fix. You must have systemic change to see the improvements your organization needs.

Schedules have a tremendous impact on practically every aspect of your clinical operations. That’s why Lightning Bolt is designed to give your clinicians the best possible schedule every time, no matter how complex.

It’s a powerful tool capable of alleviating the most problematic concerns.

  • Finally achieve standardization with one, real-time scheduling solution.
  • Accelerate speed to care, offer better patient access, and improve your resource allocation for surgery and anesthesia.
  • Access data analytics and reporting at all levels and see high adoption rates.
  • Take concrete steps toward lowering burnout and turnover.
  • Elevate the quality of care while boosting your bottom line.

Ready to see us in action?